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Liberal Column

Why DACA’s repeal demands unity from Syracuse University

Colin Davy | Staff Photographer

Syracuse University's politically-charged campus should take action to support students no longer protected by DACA.

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, otherwise known as DACA, is on the dangerous brink of termination.

United States Attorney General Jefferson Sessions announced the Trump Administration’s decision Tuesday morning, sending waves of disappointment and fear to DACA recipients across the U.S. in a move that would tear families apart and squander the dreams of thousands of young Americans.

Luckily, the termination has been met with condemnation in New York.

Prior to the official announcement, New York state Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman came out against the decision, promising to meet attempts to deport DACA recipients by suing the president.

Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner tweeted that the DACA repeal has disregarded American’s tradition as “a nation of laws and a nation of compassion.” Syracuse University Chancellor Kent Syverud proclaimed support for all DACA recipients in an email to the university. Former President Barack Obama called the DACA repeal self-defeating and cruel.

The fate of 800,000 thousand young Americans is now in the hands of a heavily divided Congress. The Republican-held House and Senate will have six months to create and implement comprehensive immigration reform, but this has not been successfully accomplished in more than two decades, according to the Washington Post.

Trump’s election rhetoric was not just banter to inflame voters’ emotions. This is what hardline immigration ideology looks like. It is the potential deportation of fellow peers and classmates — hardworking American students and citizens who, because their parents came to this country undocumented, could be rounded up and detained.

Still, remember the action SU is taking. An ad hoc committee is working to ensure students that are — or were — protected by DACA are able to finish their degrees regardless of the political decisions in Washington. Counseling, legal and advising services are available to help students through the terror and fear of deportation.

Supporting these systems and the students who need them is imperative to protect some students in their time of need. Only by remaining united can we live up to our true nature as Americans.

Kyle Smith is a third-year environmental studies major. His column appears biweekly. You can reach him at

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