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Duck: Sandhya Iyer

Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor

I knew I wanted to work at The Daily Orange even before I came to Syracuse, but I never expected how much of an impact it would have on me. The friends, memories, inspiration and skills I’ll take with me from The D.O. made every long night, source email and AP Stylebook search worth it. 744 Ostrom is a magical place, and I couldn’t have been luckier to be able to spend three semesters there.

Sara: Thank you for taking a leap of faith with me. I couldn’t have asked for a better first semester at The D.O. On top of helping me gain the confidence to cover hard-hitting stories, all the movie nights, brunches and Panera outings you organized truly made News feel like home.

Kennedy: Bean, you became like a sister to me. Anytime I felt angsty about anything, you’d be the first person I turned to. I wish we could have spent our last semesters in-house together, but this isn’t the end for us — I’m going to hold you to that poke date. Give Anya lots of cuddles for me.

Jordan: Jort, California gorls forever. You took News by storm with your mump coverage last year, and you’ve only continued to do great things. We’re going to have to continue the (not-so) daily Snapchat feature even when I’m abroad.

Sam: Sam, you so talented, hard-working and genuine. I’m so lucky to have had the chance to work with you these past three semesters. Keep rocking those pink shirts, and I hope you train hop to visit me out west this summer.

Mary: My original copy sister, you are so witty and genuine and a joy to be around. I promise I’ll finish Lincoln in the Bardo for you soon.

Satoshi: You were my first point of contact at The D.O. and a huge reason for why I applied to be on staff. Your passion for journalism continues to inspire me, and I miss seeing your trench coat and briefcase in a hurry around campus. Thank you for all your support and guidance. It’s been an honor following in your copy chief footsteps.

Casey R: Remember two years ago, you read my first-ever, hot mess of a story for The D.O.? Fast forward a year later to one of my proudest moments — during one of our later reads, when you mentioned how much I’d grown as a writer. Thank you so much for your guidance and for a great summer in New York City. We’ll definitely have to stop by the Rochard again soon.

Alexa and Alexa: The ultimate dynamic duo. I’m so lucky to have had the chance to work with you for a whole year. I’ll look up to the both of you, always.

Colleen: You became as much of a mom as you were a headed for me in Pulp. Thank you for taking me under your wing, for all the gossip sessions, life advice and everything in between. You are so strong and absolutely wonderful.

Haley K: I still remember my first time meeting you at The D.O. open house and being so excited that you were from the Bay Area. I miss seeing you at the house, but I love seeing you around campus. Boba soon?

Taylor: You inspired me to eat a little healthier and spend a little more time outside. I miss seeing you around campus, but I hope you’re having the most incredible time in New York.

Caroline B: Oh, sweet Caroline, we still need to get our long-overdue Haagen-Dazs milkshakes. I loved hearing about your global adventures, and even though we won’t be on campus together next semester, we will always be holding each other in the light.

Haley R: My sweet Haley, it’s been so exciting to watch you grow these past two semesters. Being around you always makes me smile, and I can’t wait to see all the incredible things you do with Pulp next semester. Watching a Syracuse Stage play with you is still on my bucket list.

Josh S: Barb would be very proud of us.

Casey D: I’m so glad we got closer this semester and that you introduced me to Reese King — I’ll keep an eye out for him when I’m in London. I’m going to miss your memes that aren’t memes.

Danny: I wouldn’t have wanted to work at The D.O. with any other DSP brother. Keep making Marty J. proud.

Maeve: My favorite iSchool student — you’re going to kill it as digital editor next semester.

Catherine: We’ve come so far since our first hangout at Unique Tea House. I love your #tagurself slacks, and I can’t wait to see the great things you’ll continue to do at The D.O.

Talia: The sweetest person I’ve ever met. Your positivity and talent are going to make you soar.

Mackenzie and Lauren: Digital glowed brighter because of the two of you. I’m so excited to see what amazing things you both accomplish next.

Design/Digital Design: A section full of queens. You all rock my world.

KJ: Don’t let all the sports laps bring you down. You’re going to do amazing things.

Guti: Your stories inspire me to be aim farther and reach higher with my own writing. I can’t wait to see what you’ll write next.

Kelsey: I love running into you at the coffee shops on campus. You are so woke and thoughtful, and I’m so excited to see all the great things you’ll continue to accomplish.

Maggie: I love your sense of  inquisitiveness. I promise you’ll get homemade Indian food soon.

Copy Staff: I know copying can be tedious, but you all did such an amazing job this semester. Thank you for your diligence and dedication. AP Style forever.

Ali: My sunshine girl. You brighten up the early mornings in oceanography and the late nights at the house. Your enthusiasm for life is contagious. Let’s celebrate this semester with a dirty chai latte from Kubal.

Andy: I don’t think anyone in the house makes me laugh more. Whether it’s AOTP, Trader Joe’s hauls or playlist-making, you’re passionate about and find the fun in everything. I’m excited to see which one (or several) of your tweets goes viral. One more game of Mario Kart before break?

Lydia: I learn something new from every conversation we have. I admire your confidence and wit so much, and I can’t wait to continue to get closer to you next year as roomies.

Diana: Before I met you, I didn’t think I’d be able to click with someone so easily. You bring so much energy with you wherever you go, and you never fail to brighten up the room you’re in. I know you’re going to do incredible things next semester and beyond, and I’m so excited to see you grow. Gonna miss you lots, copy queen.

Rori: You were my first D.O. friend who I spent time with outside of the house. We’ve been to the state fair, shopped till we’ve dropped and gotten lunch in the city — now we’re going to Europe. I can’t wait to make more memories with you. And let’s buy another pair of matching pants.

Aishwarya: I wouldn’t have wanted to share my D.O. journey with anyone else. You are truly such a star, and I’m so excited to see all the amazing things you do next semester and beyond. Hopefully we get to spend another summer in the city together, with lots of sushi, data journalism and cute waiters <3

Future Roomies: So, we’re still hosting Girls Night at our house next year, right?

Amma, Appa and Sachin: Thank you for your continuous love and support. I wouldn’t be here without you.

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